Sunday, August 9, 2015

WordStream Advisors Keyword Tool Box

WordStream Advisor's keyword functionality includes:

  • Keyword Discovery – Continuous keyword research to build a database of the PPC keywords people use to find your website. (WordStream Free Keyword Tool, Keyword Niche Finder, Negative Keyword Tool)
  • Keyword Analysis – Identifying which keyword opportunities are most profitable (triggering actions or conversions) and setting negative filters for keywords that aren't relevant.
  • Keyword Grouping and Organization – Segmenting like keywords into close-knit ad groups based on relevance. (Keyword Grouper)
  • Keyword Action – Prioritizing these keyword tasks and taking action by authoring content (PPC text ads and landing pages) around the most productive and relevant keyword groups

Free AdWords Performance Grader

Grade Your Google AdWords Performance

Find out where you stand in 1 minute, using your AdWords account

Google Adwords Keyword Planner

The Google Keyword Planner is one of the best keyword tools on the internet.  Here are a few reasons why:

1. It is Free and easy to use just go to Adwords and click the tab for the tools

2. Enter into

The Ultimate Keyword Theme Extractor Uncovers These Ranking Secrets

After months of careful research and testing, plenty of trial and error, I built you this software that will instantly reveal the content secrets of your competitors and grab you top ranking organic listings fast.

Everybody says, “Content is King”

Heck, even Google's own advice is:

“Create a useful, information rich site...clearly and accurately describe your content...”