Monday, June 20, 2011

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Manage your online reputation : Google Dashboard - Accounts Help

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Me on the Web : Google Dashboard - Accounts Help

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Google has new search tools

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Friday, June 3, 2011 - Search for the best keywords for FREE

There are many free keyword tools, some are good and some are great.

Google has several free keyword tools. In this blog we will talk about the google wonder wheel and a few other google tools. We will show you how to use them for the best keyword search and theme grouping.

We will also cover a few other really good keyword search tools and free seo tools.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Keyword tool used for Pay Per Click Adwords themes

The good people at Google designed a tool to help you identify the keywords and key terms and themes, so you only need to focus on effective search engine optimisation and quality content generation. It is called Google Wonder Wheel.

Google has three keyword search tools to help with fine tuning your Keyword PPC Adwords themes and for finding specific information.

1. Google Wonder Wheel best for PPC keyword research and a visual mindmap. Located on the left side panel under Show Options.

2. Google Related Search offers more finer details and keywords located on the bottom of the search page.

3. Google Adwords Search tool located at this link.

these three links should give you a head start on looking for the best keywords with the most relevence to your topic and with the most search volume if you are looking for choosing keywords to be successful with on the internet or with selecting a domain name for your site and products.

To register for a domain please use our link here: - best prices and special service for large accounts.

or - best for domain availability discovery and free google applications set up.

or for internation domains large variety

For help with choosing the right domain or questions about keyword themes please email use at

Scrap Googles Wonder Wheel for the best keywords and find information faster.

Best WonderWheel Scraper is a must have for any aspiring or current website owner! Known as the most powerful keyword research tool on the internet. This WonderWheel Scraper is bound to revolutionize the way you work online!

Digging into 5 levels of keywords, this scraper blows away the competition & most of which only provide a mere 1 to 2 levels into a keyword. It's simple, quick, efficient, and with the click of a button will get you THOUSANDS of keywords directly related to yours! So here is how it works:

If you are trying to market your website to cater for a larger crowd, then there is nothing more valuable than keywords & keywords that will get you higher traffic and more targeted conversion rates.

And what better way to get these keywords than with Best WonderWheel Scraper?!

So what are you waiting for?
Click below to start dominating your niche today with this amazing keyword research tool!

How to turn off google instant previews if wonder wheel is not showing

google wonder wheel
Google's Wonder Wheel tool is the best keyword research tool to use for visual mindmapping and brainstorming. A great way to do keyword theme research.

If google instant preview is on you must turn it off. To turn off google instant do the following:

How to turnoff google instant search.

You can either toggle it on or off to the right of the search box, or you can head to your Google search settings, scroll to the Google Instant section, and select Do not use Google Instant. Then simply hit the Save Preferences at the bottom of the page

Wonder Wheel a visual keyword research tool

Visual keyword research tool
As you may be aware of by now, the Google Wonder Wheel is a great feature that allows searchers to view relevant search phrases and results related to a main keyword. Just using the tool for normal searching can make things a lot easier and more enjoyable. Besides normal searching, the tool can be used for something even better which is especially beneficial if you are a webmaster or an Internet marketer.

I am talking about keyword research. The Google Wonder Wheel makes a great keyword research tool! It will not replace your ordinary keyword research tool as these tools provide a lot more data such as estimated searches, demographics, and so on. However, if you need to find some keywords related to a niche and get more ideas for related keywords, the Google Wonder Wheel can help.

For example, lets say we wanted to build a website about forex trading. We could enter our main keyword phrase into Google and click the “more search tools” option to be taken to the Wonder Wheel. We will then see our main phrase in the center of the wheel and eight other related phrases surrounding our main phrase.

keyword Research Tool

By looking at the wheel, we now have some ideas of keywords we could use related to our main phrase. We could use these phrases as articles to publish on our forex trading website and they won’t be irrelevant. They will actually bring in more traffic.

Now, lets say we wanted to get more keyword ideas based on some of the phrases that the Google Wonder Wheel provided us. If we click on forex trading training, we would be presented with keyword phrases related to forex trading training.

keyword Research Tool

This would give us more phrases we could focus on for our main niche. Sometimes, a keyword may be too competitive in terms of getting a website to rank for a certain search phrase. Using this tool can help you find keyword phrases that aren’t so competitive.

We could really find some great keywords for our main niche just by exploring the related phrases using the Wonder Wheel. This is why we say that Google Wonder Wheel makes a great keyword research tool.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Free keyword tools

Google has a variety of search tools to use for free.

We will describe the google wonder wheel, a visual mindmapping type search tool, located on the left side of the search screen in the search option panel area. Select wonder weel and type in your search keyword to see a keyword themed search result.

for more info click here.